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Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy

In case of a refund due to an erroneous transaction or cancellation, the premium paid for an insurance product will be refunded via cheque or direct credit as per the policy of the Insurance provider, that you have chosen to buy the product from, as per the policy terms and conditions. or PolicyInn Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd cannot be held liable for any delay on account of the Insurance provider in such refund. In case of payment to PolicyInn Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd, refund will be processed within 3 working days provided al proof required for the same is furnished.

Cancellation Policy

In case of a cancellation, the premium paid for an insurance product will be refunded via cheque or direct credit as per the policy of the Insurance provider, that you have chosen to buy the product from, as per the policy terms and conditions. or PolicyInn Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd cannot be held liable for any delay on account of the Insurance provider in such refund. In case of payment to PolicyInn Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd, refund will be processed within 3 working days provided al proof required for the same is furnished.

If you have any questions or comments about these our Refund and Cancellation Policy as outlined above, you can contact us at:
PolicyInn Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.,
3rd Floor, Manghat Arcade, Kadavanthra -682020, Kochi, Kerala, India
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